Social media platform for making and sharing lists
Blysty is a place to create, save, and discover lists, whether for yourself or to share with the world. Everyone likes to make lists and Blysty gives you the perfect place to create lists, organize your lists, discover new lists, save them, and share them with the world of Blysters (Blyst users).
Blysters discover new ideas from their home feed—or by browsing through categories or doing searches—that inspire them and that help them make their own lists better. Blysters find new lists—from restaurants to national parks to cars—that help them discover new things to do or try. Blysters find all kinds of ideas by hanging out on the Home Blysty Page or by exploring Blysty through the many ways you can search it. Without question, it’s great fun exploring other people’s lists!
Blysters discover new ideas from their home feed—or by browsing through categories or doing searches—that inspire them and that help them make their own lists better. Blysters find new lists—from restaurants to national parks to cars—that help them discover new things to do or try. Blysters find all kinds of ideas by hanging out on the Home Blysty Page or by exploring Blysty through the many ways you can search it. Without question, it’s great fun exploring other people’s lists!
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