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Buoy Health

Take the guesswork out of health care

Highly Rated Work/Life Balance Strong Leadership


Boston, New York
Buoy Health is an AI-driven digital assistant that helps patients self-diagnose and triage to the appropriate care.

While our CEO, Andrew, was on rotation during his final year at Harvard Medical School, he saw first-hand how people were misinterpreting their symptoms based on information they had found online. The front door of healthcare, as it's called, was no longer the primary care physician. It was the internet, and it was leading people to make the wrong decisions about their health.

Rotations ended, Andrew took a sabbatical from med school, and that's when Buoy began. Our goal from the early days – to help make the US health system less complicated – hasn't changed. With technology and medical integrity both on our side, we'll continue to wipe out what's not working and reunite people with the clarity they deserve.


Healthcare Information Technology Health Care Information Technology Artificial Intelligence Mobile Health Digital Health


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