Top Tech Startups To Work For In 2025
Browse through our curated list of startups that are actively hiring across various job categories. Whether you're interested in engineering, marketing, operations, or other fields, you'll find exciting opportunities at these innovative companies.
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Argo AI
1 open positions
Developing a self-driving system built on trust
Markets: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Transportation, Hybrid Vehicles
23 open positions
We have an affinity for managing your relationships smarter for you
Markets: Enterprise Software, Information Technology, Sales and Marketing, CRM, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Venture Capital

6 open positions
The world's fastest analytics engine, improve price performance by 200x
Markets: Enterprise Software, Financial Services, Insurance, Banking, Big Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Fin Tech

28 open positions
When the hackers work for you, you know you're up to date. Manage highly sensitive data with ease
Markets: Mobile, Security, Enterprise Security, Crowdsourcing, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Penetration Testing

67 open positions
The #1 all-in-one financial operating system for businesses
Markets: Finance, Mobile Application, Fin Tech, Loans

SalaryBox (YC S21)
8 open positions
Effortless Employee Management
Markets: SaaS, Fin Tech

Clover Health
7 open positions
Clover is helping members live their healthiest lives with its Medicare Advantage plans
Markets: Healthcare, Health Care Information Technology, Hospitals, Health and Insurance

44 open positions
Build internal tools fast
Markets: Enterprise Software, Business Productivity, Productivity Software, Developer Tools, Software Engineering

Polymath Ventures
15 open positions
We are the Venture Studio for Latin America
Markets: Financial Services, E-Commerce, Education, Marketplaces, Transportation, Corporate Wellness, Finance Technology, Employment, Fin Tech

47 open positions
Redesigning mental & behavioral health through improved access, utilization, and outcomes
Markets: Marketplaces, Health Care Information Technology, Mental Health, Behavioral Therapy, Aba Therapy, Autism, Psychology

9 open positions
The ML application builder for data scientists
Markets: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Developer Tools

15 open positions
Direct-to-consumer luggage
Markets: E-Commerce

Paperless Post
5 open positions
The place for personalized digital correspondence for every occasion
Markets: Internet, E-Commerce, Product Design, Printing, Web Development, Software Engineering, Consumer

6 open positions
Fastest growing Modular Oracle trusted by Pendle, Morpho, Ethena, and others
Markets: Cloud Data Services, Finance Technology, Bitcoin, Data, Cryptocurrency, Blockchains, Distributed Systems, Blockchain / Cryptocurrency

12 open positions
Subscription management platform delivering unrivaled results to smart brands worldwide
Markets: SaaS, Enterprise Software, Financial Services, Information Technology, B2B, Payments, Software, Subscription Businesses, Billing

4 open positions
Safer Students. Better Learning
Markets: Internet, Education, Software, Google Apps, K-12 Education, Edtech

7 open positions
A new way of helping consumers deal with debt while safeguarding their credit scores
Markets: Financial Services, Personal Finance, Software, Finance Technology, Debt Collecting, Fin Tech

104 open positions
The world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content
Markets: Enterprise Software, Advertising, Analytics, Automotive, Film, Video Games, Systems, Software, Content, Augmented Reality, Game, 3D, 3D Technology, Virtual Reality

11 open positions
State-of-the-art social donations system for organizations of all sizes
Markets: Social Commerce, Nonprofits, Social Fundraising, Charity, Donations

Peloton Interactive
69 open positions
Anyone. Anywhere
Markets: Hardware, Retail, Fitness, Video Streaming, Android, Customer Service, Software, Content, Technology, Tech Field Support

14 open positions
Headspace is your lifelong guide to better mental health
Markets: Mobile, Healthcare, Corporate Wellness, Health and Wellness, Mobile Health, Software Engineering, Mental Health

6 open positions
Eliminate the seafood waste of the world by building trading tools for seafood experts
Markets: SaaS, B2B, Marketplaces

1 open positions
Fundera is a marketplace for small business financial solutions
Markets: Internet, Financial Services, Small and Medium Businesses, Consumer Lending, Finance Technology, Loans

Pocket Gems
2 open positions
We want to build the greatest games and interactive entertainment in the world
Markets: Mobile, Games, Mobile Games, Virtualization, PC Gaming

Living Loop
2 open positions
We design and engineer a living stem system and area OS to enable renewable areas
Markets: Clean Technology, Infrastructure, Transportation, Construction