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The world's smartest thermometer

Highly Rated Top Tier Investor Strong Leadership


San Francisco
Kinsa is on a mission to track and stop the spread of disease. Our goal is to transform the way people care for themselves and their families while creating the first real-time map of human health. We envision a world in which connected products in the home help people and communities stay healthy. We've taken the world's most ubiquitous health tool -- the thermometer -- and turned it into a far more powerful consumer experience.

Our multi-award-winning product is recommended by 9 out of 10 pediatricians because it does much more than take a temperature -- it offers guidance, comfort, health tracking and more. More importantly, we've transformed it into a communication platform for parents to keep their children healthy. We've proven that we can accelerate growth through hardware sales, in-app services and data insights. Kinsa is currently working with Fortune 500 employers to drive family health objectives and is also available in 7,000 retail locations in North America.


Healthcare Big Data Health and Wellness Mobile Health mHealth Child Care


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