brings services like crowdfunded loans to under-served international communities
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Kiva (kiva.org) is an international nonprofit with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. We run a global marketplace platform to crowdfund microloans for financially excluded entrepreneurs, farmers and students around the world. Our organization combines the culture and technological passion of an internet start-up with the compassion and empathy of a non-profit to create impact and opportunity at global scale. In just 13 years, we have raised more than $1.2 billion in loan capital for 2.7 million borrowers in 83 countries. Our lenders fund over $10 million in loans every month. With offices in San Francisco, Portland, New York, Nairobi, and Bangkok, Kiva's team includes 100+ employees and 400+ volunteers worldwide. Our team is growing as we pursue exciting new opportunities to create a financially inclusive world.
Financial Services
Consumer Lending
Finance Technology
Non Profit
International Development
Social Entrepreneurship
Fin Tech