Same day doctors appointments minus the wait
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Trying to see a doctor today when you unexpectedly get sick is frustrating, inconvenient and potentially incredibly costly.
You might wait days for an appointment with a primary care physician, waste hundreds of dollars at an emergency room, or need to juggle your life to fit a doctor's visit into your schedule.
And once you finally get there, it's likely you'll still watch the minutes tick by in a waiting room.
At Solv, we believe getting access to high quality, last-minute care should be simple, fast and effortless. You should be able to know where you can go, when you’ll be seen and how much it will cost. We're shifting the power in healthcare to patients, where it belongs.
You might wait days for an appointment with a primary care physician, waste hundreds of dollars at an emergency room, or need to juggle your life to fit a doctor's visit into your schedule.
And once you finally get there, it's likely you'll still watch the minutes tick by in a waiting room.
At Solv, we believe getting access to high quality, last-minute care should be simple, fast and effortless. You should be able to know where you can go, when you’ll be seen and how much it will cost. We're shifting the power in healthcare to patients, where it belongs.
Personal Health