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Spacious helps to make finding a property and a home easier, less stressful and more efficient


China, Hong Kong
Spacious, Hong Kong's #1 internet property platform, helps to make finding a property and a home, one of life's most stressful events, easier and more efficient. Spacious has been providing the best-in-class search experience for property hunters in Greater China with its premium user interface, offering the highest quality listings and data comparisons for more than half a decade. This focus enables Spacious to generate the highest quality enquiries for property agents, developers, etc., who pay to list.

In November 2007, after six years with Goldman Sachs in London, our founder, Asif Ghafoor relocated to Hong Kong.
When the time came to find his own residence, his experience searching for a place online was extremely frustrating and unrewarding. Navigating Real Estate websites proved difficult due to poor design. Asif assumed someone else would surely find a solution but after years of waiting and seeing no improvement, Asif decided to leave a successful career in finance and create, the highest quality real estate listing platform in Hong Kong.

Spacious is a profitable, self-sustaining and proven business that is growing very quickly. We have over 1,000,000+ monthly high-value property searchers visiting our website/mobile app.


Marketplaces Big Data Finance Technology Real Estate Technology


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