Srijan Counseling and Healing Services
Personalized Counseling and Healing Services
Actively Hiring
Welcome to Srijan !!!! Here you will find services for healing and unleashing your utmost potential .
While we are all born free but most of us experience being chained by the norms, wishes, and aspirations of the people around us. This creates a suffocating feeling and inability to unleash ones own potential. All individuals are born with a unique purpose and unique traits to fulfill those. This also takes into account the learnings of the past life which one brings-forth. Also, the individual experiences challenges in inter-personal relationships (both in organization and family settings) and despite of doing their best, they feel being misunderstood and manipulated. Thus, Srijan aims at helping all such people by providing them personal connect and utilizing the best modalities suitable to them.
While we are all born free but most of us experience being chained by the norms, wishes, and aspirations of the people around us. This creates a suffocating feeling and inability to unleash ones own potential. All individuals are born with a unique purpose and unique traits to fulfill those. This also takes into account the learnings of the past life which one brings-forth. Also, the individual experiences challenges in inter-personal relationships (both in organization and family settings) and despite of doing their best, they feel being misunderstood and manipulated. Thus, Srijan aims at helping all such people by providing them personal connect and utilizing the best modalities suitable to them.
Healing Modalities
Behavioral Therapy
Aba Therapy