We're on a mission to even the odds for all investors
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TOGGLE helps all investors make better decisions - crunching a vast universe of data to tell you exactly what you need to know.
Think of TOGGLE as Waze for investing: you're in charge and can rely on TOGGLE to alert you when there is a pothole coming up, or traffic jam forming ahead of you.
"Toggle is the Bloomberg Terminal for retail investors...just as Schwab, Interactive Brokers, and now newcomers like Robinhood and Betterment have disrupted market access for retail investors, Toggle is aiming to disrupt investment analysis." - Business Insider
We are an experienced team of technology and finance professionals who came together to build useful tools we actually wanted to use.
Think of TOGGLE as Waze for investing: you're in charge and can rely on TOGGLE to alert you when there is a pothole coming up, or traffic jam forming ahead of you.
"Toggle is the Bloomberg Terminal for retail investors...just as Schwab, Interactive Brokers, and now newcomers like Robinhood and Betterment have disrupted market access for retail investors, Toggle is aiming to disrupt investment analysis." - Business Insider
We are an experienced team of technology and finance professionals who came together to build useful tools we actually wanted to use.
Financial Technology