Trinkerr Learning Technologies
Learn. Trade. Invest. Discover everything about the stock market on Trinkerr
Top Tier Investor
Explore the world of stock markets with:
Rule-based Portfolios:
Choose from a variety of short to long-term portfolios constructed and managed according to a set of pre-defined rules.
Virtual F&O Trading:
Claim ₹10 L virtual capital and practice trading on our simulated platform, complete with readymade strategies, stop loss and limit orders.
Portfolio Health Checkups:
Import your holding to get a free health report of your portfolio.
Insightful Feed:
Stay updated on the latest market movements, news flashes and upcoming learning sessions on our feed, including information from SEBI-registered experts.
Rule-based Portfolios:
Choose from a variety of short to long-term portfolios constructed and managed according to a set of pre-defined rules.
Virtual F&O Trading:
Claim ₹10 L virtual capital and practice trading on our simulated platform, complete with readymade strategies, stop loss and limit orders.
Portfolio Health Checkups:
Import your holding to get a free health report of your portfolio.
Insightful Feed:
Stay updated on the latest market movements, news flashes and upcoming learning sessions on our feed, including information from SEBI-registered experts.
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