AI for mental health. Google App of the Year 2020. 3 mil users, 100+ lives saved
Actively Hiring
Imagine a mood tracker, mindfulness coach, anxiety helper, and mood-boosting buddy, all rolled into one. Used by more than 1 million people from more than 30 countries - and a top app recommended by the NHS UK - Wysa is one of the global leaders in this space.
Wysa, your happiness buddy, is that friendly and caring chatbot. In addition, when things get too much, get access to digital self-help tools through your own personal library; or speak to a trained psychologist who is there to offer coaching support when you need help.
Always there for you when you need someone to talk to, the Wysa platform helps you keep track of your mood with friendly chats and helps fight stress and anxiety with its proven chat-based self-help techniques and calming meditation and mindfulness audios. Checking in with Wysa regularly will improve your emotional health so you can track your happiness and mood.
Wysa, your happiness buddy, is that friendly and caring chatbot. In addition, when things get too much, get access to digital self-help tools through your own personal library; or speak to a trained psychologist who is there to offer coaching support when you need help.
Always there for you when you need someone to talk to, the Wysa platform helps you keep track of your mood with friendly chats and helps fight stress and anxiety with its proven chat-based self-help techniques and calming meditation and mindfulness audios. Checking in with Wysa regularly will improve your emotional health so you can track your happiness and mood.
Machine Learning
Health Care Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Personal Health
Corporate Wellness
Health and Wellness
Mobile Health
Mental Health
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning