We're on a mission to Make Automation Work for Everyone!
Highly Rated
Top Tier Investor
Work/Life Balance
Strong Leadership
Zapier is a product that allows end users to integrate their apps and moves information between them automatically. We're on a mission to Make Automation Work for Everyone!
Zapier is the leader in no-code automation, always making it easier to automate workflows and move data across 5000+ apps. We work with what you work with, across your apps and tech stack, so you can make magic happen, regardless of your IT infrastructure.
As a fully remote company with 800+ team members across 40+ states, 38 countries, and 18+ timezones, we’ve adopted a culture of asynchronous work. This work style allows teams to collaborate effectively across locations, time zones, skills, and each individual’s energy levels, and empowers employees to work in a setting that fits their needs. In practice, we live on Slack, with most conversations in public channels. It mimics the open-office feel and allows everyone to search the chat logs if they need to find something that happened when they weren’t around.
Zapier is the leader in no-code automation, always making it easier to automate workflows and move data across 5000+ apps. We work with what you work with, across your apps and tech stack, so you can make magic happen, regardless of your IT infrastructure.
As a fully remote company with 800+ team members across 40+ states, 38 countries, and 18+ timezones, we’ve adopted a culture of asynchronous work. This work style allows teams to collaborate effectively across locations, time zones, skills, and each individual’s energy levels, and empowers employees to work in a setting that fits their needs. In practice, we live on Slack, with most conversations in public channels. It mimics the open-office feel and allows everyone to search the chat logs if they need to find something that happened when they weren’t around.
Cloud Computing
Business Productivity
Developer APIs
Productivity Software
Data Integration